Stop fearing your power.
It is OKAY if someone feels intimidated by you.
It is OKAY if you are not approachable.
It is OKAY if someone does not think you are nice, kind, generous, sweet, loveable, squishy, soft, or compassionate.
Because even though you may not be perceived as that listed above - it does not mean that you don’t embody those qualities.
Other people’s perception of you is not an indication of who you are. Of what you are.
You can be sensitive AND strong. You can be powerful AND empathic. You can be nurturing while also honoring yourself and maintaining strong boundaries.
You are a force to be reckoned with.
We live in a world that loves puppies and fears sharks… but our ecosystem would collapse without sharks. I doubt the same would occur if we didn’t have puppies… puppies are sweet, loveable, huggable. A shark is… not. But the shark has persevered for millions of years. The shark does the jobs that no one notices or appreciates. And simply because they invoke fear and misunderstanding - people will try to eradicate them.
Be a proud shark. Understand that you were never meant to be a puppy. That you don’t need to soften your hard edges simply because you make someone uncomfortable.
There are people that will happily and lovingly coexist with you. That will appreciate you for all that you are and all that you do. That will see you beyond that jagged exterior. Those are your people.
And those that are committed to misunderstanding you - will always do so. Let them. They are not yours.
Be unapologetically you. Be powerful without compromising. Don’t let someone else’s fear and lack of confidence dictate how you show up as yourself.
It’s time to step into your independence.
A new level of independence is arriving for you. Kind of like unlocking a new world in Super Mario Bros.
You are coming from a phase of life where you’ve been guided and influenced heavily by others around you… This is a necessary phase of life. But it’s also time to let those influences fall away and trust your inner guidance and knowing.
Through this time - prepare yourself to make mistakes. To be comfortable with failure - and to get curious instead of hard on yourself.
The older you are in this phase of life - you will receive more external judgement. People around you will have less patience for your errors - do not allow this to impact your patience with yourself.
You will have to block out those judgemental eyes and inputs. You will have to continue to create grace for youself despite the constant (external or internal) narrative of “You should know this by now!!”
We don’t always get to choose the when we’re experiencing something for the first time. No one can be error-free when it’s a new endeavor.
Your life presented you with different challenges early on - so other lessons were learned. This wasn’t yet. Keep reminding yourself that it’s OKAY to learn. It’s OKAY to make mistakes. You are a human and this is an incredbly important part of the experience.
You are approaching an era of true independence. I promise you, you WILL thrive. You will have to work hard. There will be many uphill moments. Many times when you will doubt - when there will be cracks (massive rifts) in your faith. Perservere. You are worth believing in. The universe, spirit, God believes in you. You can believe in you too.
The journey of self is frustratingly endless.
You’ve done so much work.
There’s nothing you haven’t explored - nothing you haven’t tried. All the tools, yoga, therapy, meditation, classes, workshops, tarot, oracle, reiki… you’ve done it all.
So why aren’t you done yet? Why does it feel some days as though no ‘progress’ has been made? You are making the same mistakes - having the same arguments - fighting the same battles - struggling the same struggles.
In order for growth to occur there needs to be a balance between exertion and rest. There needs to be breathing space between the content in order to integrate. There need to be moments of joy, contentment, relief…
If you are unable to experience these things, then you will be missing out on a full half of your journey.
There is an aspect of yourself that you are currently blind to. There is something in you that you truly don’t want to see. You don’t want to look - because to recognize it, means embracing a shift in identity.
We humans cling to our identities - they are an anchor to us. We need to know who we are so we can create context for our experience on this earth.
To allow a crack - a shift in our identity means having to reevaluate everything. Relationships, career, home, our past and memories… there’s nothing that doesn’t come under the microscope. This process is so incredibly intimidating, scary, and daunting.
If you are ready - WHEN you are ready. Trust yourself to survive the exploration into the shadows of yourself. To see the aspects of you that you may not think are truly yours.
I’m not mean. I’m not cruel. I’m not a victim or a martyr. I’m not unkind. I’m not judgemental or gossipy. I’m not a bad friend. I’m not lazy. I'm not sensitive. I’m not jealous. I’m not insecure. I’m not a failure. I’m not defensive or confrontational.
What aspects of you are you rejecting? Despite the fact that embracing them is what gets you closer to your power. Embracing these things also means that no one else can hurt you with them.
There is no rush through this process. You can only see these things when you’re truly ready.
If you can’t remember the last time you truly felt joy - that is a sign that now is not the time for a dive into the shadows. Prioritize cultivating joy and contentment - when you can sit in that space with some true full breaths… then the shadows will feel less daunting.
You are safe, you are held. Your life is not a sentence, it’s a gift. Remind yourself of that. Look for the blessings - even if they are small, or few and far between. Keep looking. Focus on those bright spots with intensity and commitment.
As an extension of my eternal gratitude, all August bookings are 10% off for newbie clients and 20% off for returning clients. Book online and use the code: newbie10 or return20 to redeem your discount.